O. How can I have technical support for registration?

There are 2 ways for us to see the issue you going through. Either you show the screenshot step by step or else lets do the remote desktop. In the case of remote desktop everything can be sorted out in just few minutes. Visit Anydesk.com and download the remote desktop and after opening it share the id number on the top left with us. OR ELSE if you want to use Chrome Remote Desktop then visit remotedesktop.google.com/support and then download the chrome extension and then generate the code and share with us. For the step by step guidance to use Chrome Remote desktop visit https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/1649523?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en
then scroll down to “Share your computer with someone else”.

P.S.: The meaning of remote desktop is that we can see your computer screen with your permission and once we have quickly finished helping you then you can disconnect the remote desktop.

To chat with the Arise Enrollment team:

click on the chat box ==> type “Help” ==> choose the Enrolment / Partner Support team ==> other ==> Then click Live Chat – Enrolment / Partner Support ==>then ask your question ==> Start Chat.

Category: Frequently Asked Questions